Let's get acquainted!
I know we'll be good friends ❤
Welcome to Spread Book Joy! Where a teacher shares her thoughts on children's books, reading and teaching, as well as occasional art experiments just for the fun of it! If you struggle to find that perfect book for teaching, story time, bedtime or any other time, then I hope that you will find some inspiration here. You will find blog posts, videos, resources and advice on all things related to children's literature and teaching, with occasional diversions into anything else that inspires me, such as productivity and creativity. If you can't see something you need, just send me a message and I'll be happy to help if I can. I can't wait to hear from you! ❤

About Me
Jacqueline Doherty
I have been teaching since 2003, with various roles in inner-London primary schools, including Deputy Headteacher. Since 2021, I have worked as an Associate Lecturer for Brunel University and London Metropolitan University, supervising post-graduate education students, including trainee teachers. Before education, I was a bookseller at Waterstone's for five years - a job I highly recommend to students because as well as being around books all day, you get a great discount! I have a BA in Classical Archaeology, a Primary PGCE and a Master's in Education. I am also a fantasy nerd, cat lover and David Bowie obsessive, who lives in London with Dave (the man) and Pedro (the cat). I'm at my happiest in the garden with a book, some tea and the cat on my lap. Spread Book Joy grew out of my passion for reading, love of children's books and my Master's research. I have written more extensively on the importance of teachers' reading identities and reading for pleasure in my first blog post. If you have any questions, requests or feedback on my website, resources or videos, I'd love to hear from you, so please get in touch!
Love, Jack ❤